How Your Prosthodontist Will Determine Your Treatment 

Seeing a specialist about your smile is exciting but also daunting. There are many treatment options to discuss with your prosthodontist and you might be aware of some of them, or maybe you don’t know about any. Either way, a patient will usually focus on the desired outcome, but it’s the job of the prosthodontist to evaluate the best course of action for their patient, whilst also educating them on how their new smile will be achieved. 

A prosthodontist’s recommendation for treatment will usually involve several evaluative steps to help guide the best course of treatment for your chosen outcome. At Western Prosthodontic Centre, the treatment is unique to each and every patient. Like any good prosthodontist, we have a wide range of services, but we will take the time to discuss your needs and evaluate the best treatment option for you. 

1. Treatment Evaluation 

Prosthodontists are dental specialists, meaning they know general dentistry very well, having had to practice it for many years before upskilling into a specialist field of dentistry.  

The first thing that your prosthodontist needs is to understand the problem, from cosmetic desires, current dental hygiene, and any current or historic dental trauma. It is ethical practice to not just address what you want to change about your smile but more importantly, any oral health issues you may not be aware of or need to change in order to preserve and care for your new smile.  

For example, when it comes to full mouth reconstruction, questions you might get asked by the prosthodontist are: How has the problem occurred? How has it progressed? Any associated pain or numbness accompanying the situation? 

Prosthodontists we don’t just want to create beautiful smiles but healthy ones as well. We want to leave our patients comfortable, confident, and educated in caring for their new smile in the years to come. 

2. Your Dental & Medical History 

The next step will be to discuss your dental history with your prosthodontist, given that you may have seen a general dentist over the years for various check-ups and any minor or major dental work. Any previous dental work, cosmetic or not, will need to be discussed with your prosthodontist.  

Additionally, your prosthodontist may also need a medical history should you have any medical issues or allergies. 

3. Prosthodontic Examination 

After discussing your issues, history, and health goals, the doctor will want to conduct an examination to see the areas of your smile that need treatment. The exam will involve a thorough dental examination and any issues that arise may involve referring you to another specialist (e.g. orthodontist or maxillofacial surgeon) for some intervention initially before any cosmetic or reconstructive treatments can occur.  

4. Digital Imaging 

Digital imaging is a common practice that is necessary to identify any potential issues to consider when choosing the appropriate treatment. Common digital imaging scans such as X-rays, CT scans, and cone beam CT scans are specifically designed to look at the roots of your teeth as well as the bones below. 

They will enable your prosthodontist to identify dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and infections, in their early stages before they become visibly apparent. Early detection allows for more conservative and effective treatment and can aid such issues being addressed prior to any prosthodontic treatment. 

5. Discussing a Customised Treatment Plan 

Upon reviewing your digital images and conducting an oral examination, your prosthodontist will discuss your treatment plan for your unique situation. At this point, you can discuss the intricate details of the recommended plan of action and ask questions so you understand the process going forward to make you comfortable with the whole process.  

The plan of action will likely include a series of additional appointments, specific dental procedures, and the desired outcomes. 

Getting a Second Opinion 

The Australian Dental Association website allows you to search for a dentist by name or location. Under each professional’s name, it lists whether they’re a general dentist or specialist dentist in one of 13 areas of specialisation including prosthodontics, orthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, and maxillofacial surgery, to name a few. 

Have you been talking to your dentist about cosmetic dental treatments such as veneers or implants? Before proceeding, it’s worth getting a second opinion from an expert in the field because there is nothing more important than your health and well-being. You don’t need a referral to see a prosthodontist.

For more information on our treatments using porcelain veneers click here, or for more information on all our treatments for cosmetic dentistry click here. If you have any queries about mouth restorations, prosthodontics or require a second opinion, call us on (08) 9321 1632 or book an appointment.