Dental Implants Vs Dentures – Which is Best?

The debate about whether dental implants are better than dentures has been going for years. It’s the old option versus the new. Some people are staunchly in the dental implant camp, while others won’t consider anything but dentures. Read the pros and cons of each alternative.  

Dental Implants Vs Dentures

Implants and dentures are both good options for anyone who has lost one or more teeth. They allow you to continue to chew and enjoy a wide variety of foods. Both options can look like natural teeth. However, not everyone can choose. Some people have unresolved gum disease or jawbone loss that means implants aren’t an option. Not everyone is a good candidate for dentures either. If the dentures don’t sit on a ridge of bone in the jaw or remaining teeth, it can be difficult to create a seal to hold dentures in place. 

Improved technology means most people can have dental implants or dentures so it’s a matter of weighing up the pros and cons and deciding which is best for you.       

Pros of Dental Implants


Once dental implants are in place, you can treat them almost the same as you did your natural teeth. They don’t need removing and soaking overnight like dentures, dental implants can be simply brushed. For a person who’s self-conscious of their appearance with one or more missing teeth, an implant ensures they’re never caught out without their teeth. With removable dentures this is always a possibility.   

Stimulating the Jawbone 

Dental implants are held in place by a titanium screw anchored into the jawbone. The screw acts like the root of a natural tooth, giving the jawbone purpose and stopping bone loss. A strong, healthy jawbone ensures the shape of the face is maintained. 


Dental implants are considered the most natural looking and feeling compared to all other artificial alternatives.      

Cons of Dental Implants 

Cost and Time

Dental implants usually take longer to complete than dentures. While both are custom made, there is more preparation time required for dental implants. While it’s possible to complete a dental implant fitting in one day, it’s ideal if the implant post and jawbone fuse together over three to six months. Therefore, more appointments and oral surgery is required for implants. Known as the osseointegration process, a temporary restoration can be worn while the jaw heals. 

Some people need bone grafting or sinus augmentation to support an implant, which can add to the time and cost involved.   

Pros of Dentures


Dentures are a cost-effective alternative to implants, particularly when several teeth or a full arch is required. For some pensioners on a tight budget, they may choose dentures to save money.  

Less (or no) Surgery Required

Dentures don’t need the same amount of dental surgery that’s needed for dental implants so dentures can be made and fitted sooner.  

Cons of Dentures 

Comfort Levels 

While dentures have improved over the years, removable dentures can still cause denture sores. I’ll-fitting dentures are usually to blame for the painful sores. If they occur, patients need to see their dentist or prosthodontist for a review and possibly the dentures adjusted or refitted so they don’t irritate the gums. Any damage to dentures, even minor, should be repaired, and the dentures relined before it causes gum irritation. 

Change of Diet

Most people will choose a soft food diet while they adjust to wearing dentures, but some will continue with a modified diet ongoing. Biting and chewing hard foods can cause sores on gums where the dentures rub. Some foods cause a drop in saliva flow, and saliva is needed to reduce friction between the gums and dentures. Salty snack food is one of the main culprits, but more fluids can counter the effect of the salty food. 

Loss of Bone

Dentures can’t help preserve the jawbone like dental implants. Our natural teeth are held in place by the jawbone. When teeth are lost, the body feels the jawbone no longer has a purpose and bone resorption can occur. Up to 25% of the jawbone can dissolve in the first 12 months of losing multiple teeth. When bone resorption occurs, the shape of the face can change.      

For more information about dental implants or dentures, call us on (08) 9321 1632 or book an appointment.