Connection Between Your Mood & Your Smile

It’s long been known that there is a connection between your physical health and your mental health. For example, going to the gym releases endorphins, which can make you feel better and happier. On the other end of the scale, if your body isn’t feeling well, or you are under the weather, your mood can be negatively affected. Yet, we tend not to think about how our oral health, and our smile also affects our mood.

There is a strong link between our teeth and how we think or feel about them. The idea of going to the dentist for some can cause anxiety, especially for those with dental phobia. So, it’s fair to say that how we feel about our smile can also impact our mood. Plus, a healthy smile can help improve your mental health. With cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry, a new smile has been seen to positively impact patient confidence, happiness, and self-esteem.

Many of our patients are thrilled when they see their new smile for the first time. Some have endured years of embarrassment about the poor condition of their teeth. Knowing they can talk, smile, and laugh without having to worry about what others might think of their appearance is a relief.

Your Mood & Oral Hygiene

Having low self-esteem and energy can cause people to overlook their daily oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing. A lower mood can be associated with choosing processed food at times, which is more acidic and higher in sugar. These convenience foods impact oral hygiene by increasing the chance of tooth decay and gum disease. Not only that, but poorer dietary choices also affect your mood. It’s common knowledge that fast food tends you make you feel worse and not better after eating it. When combined with a lack of oral hygiene, there is a higher chance of needing some dental intervention such as fillings or even root canals.

Poorer oral hygiene can:

  • Impact speech and way of eating.
  • Reduce social interactions through anxiety or self-consciousness.
  • Amplify the associated feelings for those already with dental phobia.
  • Further impact daily oral hygiene tasks or increase neglect of our teeth.
  • Further impact poorer nutrition and dietary choices.

How Smiling Lifts Your Mood

Smiling has several benefits that aren’t as obvious as a returned smile but can do wonders for your physical and mental health. People who show teeth when they smile are also more likely to release more chemicals in the brain associated with happiness. People who aren’t happy with their smile may make efforts to hide their teeth when smiling, which in turn, restricts the sensation of happiness.

Smiling releases neuropeptides that help fight off stress and make us feel good. Dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are released. The release of endorphins improves your mental well-being and allows the body to relax, improving an individual’s heart rate and lowering blood pressure. Whilst exercise is the main stimulant for the release of endorphins, smiling can also provide benefits with much less effort than a workout.

The benefits of smiling aren’t just limited to you, it can also affect those around you. When we smile, our brain rewards itself, but our brain is also rewarded when we see someone else smile. Have you ever noticed that when someone smiles at you, it’s instinct to smile back? It is an infectious loop of happiness.

Happiness also has a positive impact on productivity. Positive emotions tend to invigorate your creativity and efficiency when you are at work. So, if you are ever at work and struggling to think of something, take a moment and smile.

Cosmetic Treatments for an Improved Smile

Whilst it’s not uncommon for teenagers to suffer from self-esteem issues because of their smile, the majority of the issues can be treated with early intervention treatments such as orthodontics. However, as adults, some tend to miss out on this opportunity earlier on in life and the smile-related self-esteem issues they faced as a teenager may have followed them on into adulthood. So, for many adults like this, it’s not uncommon for them to consider cosmetic dentistry as an adult to improve a smile. Common fixes with teeth that are sought through cosmetic dentistry include:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Stained and discoloured teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Misshaped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Gap between teeth

A new smile can make you feel great and improve your self-confidence be it at work, at home, or out on the town. By improving the appearance of your smile, you will not only feel more confident, but you also gain the physical, mental, and social benefits that come with smiling. Cosmetic dentistry as a treatment option also has a variety of other benefits besides improving your appearance and smile. A new smile on its own can promote better oral hygiene because you want to maintain it.

Knowing what you want to change will decide whether cosmetic dentistry is the right option for you. It’s easy to say you want to have a better smile, but being specific as to what you want to change will define the treatments you will require. The more precise you can be in your consultation, the better your prosthodontist can work out a treatment plan to achieve the new smile you are proud of.

The popular cosmetic options for improving a smile include:

The Experts in Cosmetic Dentistry 

Cosmetic dentistry is an area that requires a specialist known as a prosthodontist. Therefore, having a conversation with a prosthodontist is the first step to improving your smile. They may also recommend other specialists initially before having any cosmetic treatment such as a maxillofacial surgeon or orthodontist.

A comprehensive smile design consultation with our prosthodontist is the first step to communicating your concerns and expectations and understanding all your options. We aim to achieve a virtually undetectable restoration. You can see what your final smile will look like before treatment begins to ensure you’re completely satisfied with the outcome. Make an appointment today by calling (08) 9321 1632 or contact us online.

Get a Second Opinion

At Western Prosthodontics, we follow an ethical and honest approach to dentistry. If we feel a particular treatment option is not right for you, we will advise and refer you to other dental specialists we know and trust.

Many of our patients have come to us for a second opinion on the treatment options their dentist has recommended. If you’re wondering if you should seek a second opinion for your dental treatment, then you probably should.

Most people are happy to gain a second opinion when it comes to their medical health but aren’t so sure about dental issues.

For general and specialist dentists, second opinions are part of the doctrine and professional code, so they expect some patients will want to gain more information to allow them to make an informed decision.

For more information on our treatments using porcelain veneers click here, or for more information on all our treatments for cosmetic dentistry click here. If you have any queries about mouth restorations, prosthodontics or require a second opinion, call us on (08) 9321 1632 or book an appointment.