Are Porcelain Veneers Worth It?

With the rise in people using social media and the number of platforms people are using to follow their favourite artists and actors, visible changes in people’s smiles have become a lot more noticeable. In fact, it’s fair to say that social media has given rise to the promotion of smile enhancements through cosmetic dental treatments. From celebrities, influencers, and TV personalities to even your own friends or colleagues, more people are becoming aware of the available treatments that may improve their smile before they have even spoken to a prosthodontist. So, why are more people getting veneers? It can’t just be the broader reach marketing techniques that promote them!

Porcelain veneers are bonded to the front of the existing tooth surface to improve the appearance of a natural tooth. That fundamental aspect of the treatment hasn’t changed. What has changed, just like with any other cosmetic and medical field, is the way in which technology is used. Such advances in dental technology now allow a prosthodontist to create veneers that are more tailored to the patient’s specific needs.

In particular, modern porcelain veneers are more malleable compared to what they once were, thereby allowing them to be used in a way that is unique and meets the individual’s desired outcome. Porcelain veneers are also quite thin, which can ensure the original tooth and enamel can be preserved behind the veneer.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a versatile treatment option for a variety of dental imperfections. The decision as to whether porcelain veneers are right for you will need to come from a prosthodontist, but you should still carry out your own careful research and deliberation to decide if a full set of veneers is worth the investment.

The advantage of veneers is that they can immediately improve your smile. They’re a great option to cover up slightly crooked or worn-down teeth or fill gaps. They can also be individually coloured and shaped to match the rest of your teeth.

Porcelain veneers not only benefit the aesthetics of your smile but also the symmetry of your face. In fact, there is an emotional benefit to having a nice smile, as your smile is linked closely to your mood. Veneers offer a comprehensive solution for achieving a flawless smile.

Porcelain veneers, in particular, are quite resistant to staining, which is a plus for any major coffee drinker! In fact, veneers offer higher resistance than natural enamel against stains that come from food and beverages like tea and coffee. Whilst there is still a level of maintenance and oral hygiene required with veneers, they typically maintain their brightness and whiteness for longer.

Lastly, porcelain as a material is stronger and more durable than composite resin. They have a lifespan of about 10-15 years compared to composite veneers, which last 5-7 years. The porcelain is also more likely to look good for longer.

Porcelain Veneers: Specialist Dentist vs Dentist with a Special Interest

Porcelain veneers are an irreversible and invasive procedure. In some cases, little to no preparation is required; however, when it is, a small amount of natural enamel may be removed or textured to ensure the veneer is correctly fitted and bonded to the existing tooth. So, before you even consider going ahead with any dentist who makes them look appealing, it is important to do thorough research and know key information like who will be doing the procedure and their level of expertise.

Knowing how much preparation or the type required is not necessarily a consideration by patients when looking at porcelain veneers. However, this kind of cosmetic treatment should be carried out by a specialist dentist. Specialists for porcelain veneers are known as prosthodontists.

Whilst a general dentist might have a special interest in cosmetic dentistry and prosthodontics, a prosthodontist is a specialist dentist who specialises in cosmetic dentistry as an advanced field of dentistry.

Thinking about Porcelain Veneers?

There are often multiple options for improving the aesthetics and health of a smile, with veneers being just one option. Some alternatives are less invasive, such as dental bonding, which will mask a minor imperfection or teeth whitening. Neither requires the preparation work of drilling natural teeth that porcelain veneers require. Orthodontic braces may achieve a similar aesthetic result as veneers but may take a year or longer.

Also, not everyone is a suitable candidate for veneers. When teeth are broken, badly decayed, or in need of a root canal, a dentist or specialist may recommend a patient choose crowns instead of veneers. A crown is thicker and covers the entire tooth.

Deciding on whether a full set of porcelain veneers is worth it depends on many factors. Whilst they offer numerous benefits in terms of their look, durability, and versatility, they also have a number of considerable factors such as cost, irreversibility, and maintenance. There’s a lot to consider when deciding which treatment option is right for you. It’s best to speak to your prosthodontist about the pros and cons of each one. Not every dentist or specialist will recommend the same treatment, so it’s ideal to see a prosthodontist for a second opinion before commencing any treatment. A second opinion can save you time and money and help you achieve your goal.

A cosmetic dental practice like WPC Dental will custom-make and personalise your treatment to make the shape, size, and colour of a smile that matches your facial features. Whilst porcelain veneers themselves are a cosmetic treatment option, the desired outcome is making your smile look natural. Porcelain veneers don’t have to be bright white like you see on TV or social media. Your prosthodontist is more likely to encourage you to have a subtle tone that is more relevant to your age and lifestyle and again looks more natural.

Whilst veneers may provide the aesthetic results you desire, they don’t address any underlying tooth or jaw alignment issues. As ethical dental professionals, we will advise you if we feel that you need to see an orthodontist or maxillofacial surgeon before seeing us.

Second Opinion from a Prosthodontist

At Western Prosthodontics, we follow an ethical and honest approach to dentistry. If we feel a particular treatment option is not right for you, we will advise you and refer you to an orthodontic or other dental specialist we know and trust.

Many of our patients have come to us for a second opinion on the treatment options their dentist has recommended. If you’re wondering if you should seek a second opinion for your dental treatment, then you probably should. Most people are happy to gain a second opinion when it comes to their medical health but aren’t so sure about dental issues.

For general and specialist dentists, second opinions are part of the doctrine and professional code, so they expect some patients will want to get more information to allow them to make an informed decision.

For more information on our treatments using porcelain veneers click here or for more information on all our treatments for cosmetic dentistry click here. If you have any queries about mouth restorations or prosthodontics, or if you require a second opinion, call us on (08) 9321 1632 or book an appointment.