
A natural smile, indistinguishable from the real thing, can be engineered to assure your prosthodontic privacy.A beautiful and healthy smile starts here. Call today.

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Dentures West Perth, WA

Dentures are prosthetic devices made of plastic or metal to replace missing teeth; they can replace one tooth, several teeth or a full jaw using well established techniques that have been in use for decades. Millions of people are happy with complete dentures. A natural smile, indistinguishable from the real thing, can be engineered to assure your prosthodontic privacy.

Complete (Full) Dentures

Full dentures replace all of the teeth on the upper, lower or both arches. For patients wishing to minimise the amount of time they go without teeth after extractions, we can fit immediate dentures for use during the healing process. Because the fit will change as healing progresses, regular adjustments will ensure a snug fit, and replacement dentures may become necessary.

Most modern complete dentures are made of a pink resin base to mimic the appearance of gum tissue. Denture teeth look lifelike and come in a variety of shapes and colours to ensure a natural look based on patient age, gender and preferences.

The fit of complete dentures can change over time as patients experience bone loss or weight fluctuations. Relines using a soft material can provide a temporary solution.
We have an in–house laboratory for same day service to help you reline, fix broken clasps and/or add teeth to your dentures, so that we can help you to maintain these dentures

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures replace teeth when the patient still has some of their own natural teeth. Partial dentures come in metal, resin, and flexible options.
Implant Dentures (Fixed Dentures)

Combining the stability of dental implants with the affordability of dentures is an excellent solution for patients who want a more reliable option. Placing 2 to 6 dental implants on the upper or lower arch anchors the denture in place and eliminates the embarrassment of denture mishaps while eating or speaking.

Removable Dentures

We don’t always connect crowns and bridges to implants. Outcomes for people with removable dentures have been transformed as the dentures can be clipped on to the implants to provide a very stable and retentive denture.

Implant Fixed Complete Dentures (Total tooth replacement)

Searching the internet will bring up many advertisements for full bridges on four (or more) implants. This is commonly referred to as “All on 4”, one of the treatment options available when there are no teeth in the upper or lower jaw. We can provide this treatment option if it is indicated. Many factors must be taken into consideration and, before making a decision, you should be informed of all available solutions to your unique presenting dental problem. For this reason we always provide a Diagnostic Work Up to determine the eligibility and/or suitability for any particular treatment option.

Our Doctor

Dr Bradley Shepherd

Specialist Prosthodontist