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  • What Happens to Our Teeth as We Age?

    No one likes growing old. The mind isn’t as sharp as it once was and the body wears out. Not surprising, our teeth are no different. They’ve had to work hard every day. They’ve been used to bite and chew food, made it possible for us to speak and played a part in maintaining our…

  • What’s the Difference Between Cosmetic Dentistry and General Dentistry?

    We all know what a general dentist does. You’ve probably been seeing a dentist since you were a child for check-ups, x-rays, and the odd filling. But you may not be as familiar with cosmetic dentistry as it’s relatively new. Advances in technology have made it possible to greatly enhance the appearance of a smile.   …

  • Are Dental Bridges Still Relevant Today?

    Many patients say they have heard little about bridges in the last ten years. Some tell us their parent had one, and they assumed bridges are no longer fitted. While there are other alternatives to dental bridges that weren’t always available, we have not relegated dental bridges to the history books. A bridge is still…

  • Do I Need a Full Mouth Restoration?

    When you look in the mirror and all you see is problem teeth, you might think a full mouth restoration is in order. Restoring teeth can involve whitening, straightening and reshaping teeth. Some treatment methods involve working with the natural teeth, but many use a foreign material to gain the best result. What is a…

  • Composite Veneers Vs Porcelain Veneers – Which One is Better?

    Veneers are ideal for covering up imperfect teeth that are chipped, crooked, broken, stained, misshapen or have gaps in between. Veneers are suitable for a single tooth or up to 10 teeth on each arch.

  • Dentures – Everything you Need to Know

    False teeth and dentures have been around for decades, but they’ve been transformed over the years. Technicians now make dentures that look more like natural teeth and fit more comfortably. However, investing in dentures is still a big decision that needs researching.

  • Dental Implants Vs Dentures – Which is Best?

    The debate about whether dental implants are better than dentures has been going for years. It’s the old option versus the new. Some people are staunchly in the dental implant camp, while others won’t consider anything but dentures. Read the pros and cons of each alternative.

  • 5 Questions to Ask Before Deciding on a Practice for your Dental Implants

    We make decisions every day on where to spend our hard earned money on the products and services we consume. You might give little thought to where you buy your groceries or fill up the car, but for more expensive purchases like dental implants you’re likely to spend more time on your decision.

  • Why You Should Replace a Missing Tooth

    Our teeth are some of the hardest working parts of our body. We use them multiple times per day to bite, tear and chew our food. But we’re living longer than ever before, and some people’s teeth wear out before the rest of their body.

  • What is Restorative Dentistry?

    Restorative dental treatments may be needed as we age or suffer an injury, to restore our natural smile and prevent future oral health problems.  Restorative dentistry is the term used for replacing and repairing missing or damaged teeth to revive normal function and appearance. Restorative dentistry uses a range of services including fillings, crowns, bonding, onlays, inlays and…